In short: Yes, and No.

Brazil welcomed just over 6.5 million visitors last year, and although this seems like a lot, but for the size of the country, it’s not even close to top tourism destinations like France, which reaches nearly 90 million a year, and also not as much as places like South Africa, which welcomed over 10 million visitors (source). So compared to more popular regions, and considering the space we have to welcome tourists, no – one would not think Brazil was experiencing overtourism.

That being said, Brazil does have quite a few “bucket list” destinations and attractions. Rio de Janeiro and the many attractions there, Iguaçu Falls, the Meeting of the Waters in the Amazon, and places like the Lençóis Maranhenses (pictured above). For domestic travelers, there are many other regions that have been busier than they should, like small islands off the coast of Rio and São Paulo, several beaches in the Northeastern part of the country, amongst others.

These places all tend to suffer some form of overtourism or another. Be it in bringing prices up so far locals have no means of making a living at home, or damaging the environment, these problems are universal when it comes to overtourism.

The advantage Brazil does have though, is the country is physically large enough and diverse enough, to accommodate all travelers’ travel wishes.

We understand it’s important to visit these places that are universally sought after, but we also get that overtourism is one of the biggest problems facing tourism today.

This is why we’ve drawn up a bucket list itinerary, which has all of the places you’d traditionally think to visit in Brazil, but also a few other tours and nearby destinations, that aren’t so crowded, so you can see a new and equally incredible destination, and support communities that are seeking visitors, not wishing they’d leave already. We always of course, also suggest making your entire trip off the beaten track!

What’s on your Brazil Bucket List?

Comment below or send us an email, and we’ll help you make your travel dream come true, whilst including some local insights to include more unique destinations to your trip!

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