Have you noticed our new look yet? We have a new logo!
When Viare was born, our idea was to bring responsible travel providers from across the globe, to one online platform that sold travel experiences around the world.
But it didn’t take long for us to realize that Brazil alone, had so many incredible and diverse experiences, guides and travel professionals doing an amazing job in sustainable travel.
This is why, we decided to steer towards something else, and do what we already loved, which was to promote Brazil as a destination. To help travelers visit the country, see our wonders up close, and in the end, also stimulate local economic growth and preservation, through travel.
And for a while now, we have felt our communication wasn’t transmitting what we had become, at least not well enough. This is why we turned to our trusty friend and designer, Humberto Hirochi, and asked him if he could do just this – translate what Viare had become.
And he did an incredible job!

We have maintained our yellow, pink and purple color scheme, resembling our bright demeanor and of course, hues you can find in a sunrise and sunset – of which we have many incredible destinations in Brazil to find.
Our new logo now has a map of Brazil at its center, with shapes replicating the map surrounding it, until you get to a perfect circle. The idea was to have these lines resemble a tree trunk. And don’t trees represent the most beautiful things? Life, family, evolution, and of course, paying homage to nature and our roots. We’ve also removed the word “travel” from our logo, giving more importance to the word that is a conjunction of the words “Viagem” and “Responsável”, respectively “Travel” and “Responsible” in Portuguese – or simply, “Viare.”
We hope you love our new logo as much as we do, and especially hope you keep counting on us to promote Brazil as a destination, supporting providers we’ve made over these past few years, in order to provide quality travel experiences that preserve our culture, environment and communities that grow with travel, in Brazil!